The exquisite bouquet includes pink roses, pink spray roses, white alstroemeria and green carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in this stunning beaded glass vase has great after-use potential as a pitcher, as it meets FDA tableware standards to safefly serve and store drinks. The beautiful pink vase is perfect for Mother's Day, New Baby, Just Because and Thank You.
Material:Glass carafe with beaded details; meets FDA standards to safely serve and store drinks.
Dimensions:6.5" h x 3.75" w; 3.25 opening
Capacity:3.5 cups of water
*Shades of pink may vary*
Substitutions may occur at the discretion of the local florist, including colors and flowers, depending on availability of inventory. If a substitution does occur it will be items of equal or greater value with the freshest flowers available.